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My Main Goal

Updated: Mar 10, 2021

During my time as president my main goal is to be able to start including Maine in National FBLA plans and activities. This would involve FBLA week, conferences, elections, and networking. This is a big goal and it is something that will take dedication from all of you. Together we need to show spirit and pride from Maine FBLA and show that even if are a small state we can still succeed nationally. This year Maine won a national competition! These competitions are fun and don't take a whole lot of time if we all participate on a state level. Along with winning and having bragging rights we also got a plaque and got our state on everyone's minds. Sometimes it's hard to keep up with FBLA which is why I follow the national FBLA council on Instagram (@fbla_pbl & @easternregionfbla). They post short graphics explaining events and competitions and is very easy to check out from time to time. To conclude, my big goal for this year is to join us with National FBLA. I Believe that everyone there has so much to teach us. There are also tons of opportunities for you guys to run for positions and committees on a National level.

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